Pandemic enchiladas

When life gives you coronavirus, and you now hate to go grocery shopping, although you used to love to, make enchiladas!

And further proof of my enchilada love:

The only thing in my fridge that was evenly remotely fresh was some cabbage, some carrots, and a bit of broccoli that for not-a-root-vegetable, was surprisingly resilient.

The rest from the freezer:

Make some sauce. I over-sauteed some garlic, then added the flour, some cumin and chili powder (4 Tbsp. fat to 4 Tbsp. flour to 2 C. liquid).

Make some tomato sauce:

I made two fillings. One, vaguely Mexican, which I liked the last time I made it, was chicken, corn, beans, and a bit more cumin:

With sauce:

The other was the parboiled veggies & chicken, plus sauce after this pic:

Hélas! I hadn’t been careful with the flour tortillas in the freezer, and they got a bit broken:

So ended up with mini-enchiladas (and ran out of tortillas and had to use some injera):

But . . .

Pandemic Enchiladas and Sauerkraut on a Broken Plate:

