Two small plates

All of them aged for between 10 and 14 months.

On the left plate, Shropshire Blue, Cheddar, Blue Cheese. On the right, the last of my oldest kimchee 🙁 , mustard pickled vegetables, pickled grapes, and sauerkraut.

One thing I’ve learned about sauerkraut is that if you can it, it doesn’t get sourer and just keeps its nice tang, so my guess is that the commercial varieties use some sort of acid. After 14 months, it isn’t too sour, and still has a lovely crunch.


Jarlsberg Update

It started out like this: so I left it in the fridge for another seven months.

Now it has lost some of its lactic (sour) taste and has a bit of the typical nutty flavour that I would associate with a Jarlsberg, but less than I hoped 🙁

Still, very nice.

Jarlsberg with Lettuce; Apricot, Carrot and Swede Chutney on Toasted Wheat Bread:



Quelques buissonantes

Euphorbia rubromarginata, pas du tout marginalement rouge!

E. leontopoda, qui a malheureusement perdu quelques-unes de ses tiges lors d’un accident de rempotage, mais qui ne semble pas du tout être rancunière, elle me gratifie toujours de ses beaux cyathes jaunes:

E. louwii, une de mes préférées à cause de son coloris gris-bleu-vert, rare chez les euphorbes:

. . . et plus visible chez les boutures:



Making Spaghetti Carbonara

Spag Carb is nothing special, but this was special to me, since I used my 11-month-old homegrown Parmesan (, which I’ve used in salads, but this was its first turn in a starring role.


  • 8 oz. spaghetti
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 4 slices/rashers bacon, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 C. Parmesan, grated, + more for garnish
  • 2 Tbsp. herbs of your choice (parsley is good but bland, I used basil which I love) + more for garnish


Cook the spaghetti until al dente and drain, then toss with 1 Tbsp olive oil so it doesn’t stick:

I thought I grated too much of this, more like 1-1/2 C instead of 3/4 C. Not!

Cook the bacon over medium heat until crispy:

Remove with a slotted spoon and reserve, retaining the fat in the pan.

Cook the onion in the fat over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, or until slightly wilted, stirring occasionally. Then stir in the garlic and stir constantly for a minute or so, until fragrant:

Meantime, whisk the the eggs with a fork and stir in the grated cheese:

Return the bacon and spaghetti to the pan, and stir for several minutes, until well-mixed and the spaghetti is hot:

Remove from the heat, then stir in the egg/cheese mix. The idea is that the hot spaghetti will (mostly) cook the egg, and the egg/cheese mix will melt into a sauce. It works!

Taste and correct seasoning:

At the last minute, stir in the herbs. Plate and garnish with (yet more!) cheese and herbs.

Yummy Parmesan goodness!
