Monthly Rub + Parmesan Worries

My Parmesan/Romano cheeses got their monthly rubdown with olive oil. Sadly, the oldest is only five months old, so I have some time before I can try them.

This is a Manchego, technically not in the same category, so I won’t have to wait as long as all that. Caldwell says it’s okay to treat this as an oiled-rind cheese.

I’m worried about this Parmesan. The first two I did, I used yogurt and followed the recipe on This one, from about two months ago, I followed Caldwell and used Aroma B. It almost immediately blew up, and has stayed that way.

There are so many random spores and bacteria (Propionic?) in my house now that it could be almost anything. Worried about it, but I won’t find out for many months!
