Fake Scallops

I’m not a great fan of King Oysters, which I don’t think have as much flavor as other Oyster mushrooms, although part of that may be subconscious sour grapes, since I wasn’t able to grow them successfully.

However, they are cheap, about $3/lb. at my local Korean market.

They are often used as a vegetarian substitute for scallops, and indeed they do look like, and have a similar texture to scallops, but the flavor, mild as it is for both, is different.

Trim off the bottom bits:

And cut the stems into 3/8 – 1/2″ inch coins (approximately!):

Saute the allium of your choice (shallots are best, but I used finely chopped onions) in any combination of fats. Since the flavor is so delicate, butter is definitely your friend here 🙂

Now treat them as any other mushroom, the idea being that you want to get a slight sear on both sides, then cook them over very low heat for 10-15 minutes to concentrate the flavor:

Checking . . .


Taste and adjust seasoning, then optionally give them a squirt of lime or lemon juice, or toss with sour cream or buttermilk.

Fake Scallops on a Bed of Mixed Greens with Cider and Dijon Vinaigrette:

