Anniversary Romano

Made from the recipe in Ms. Karlin’s book, and cellared for exactly one year and one day.

It had an attack of cheese mites, but ozone quickly took care of that!

Even with my best cleaver, hard to get through:

Oh dear. I didn’t expect so many holes. My only experience with commercial Romanos is that they are completely solid, but after some innertubes research, found out they sometimes have some holes. Not as many as mine, though!

Despite the holes, which make the cheese look somewhat soft, the paste was extremely dry, and difficult to grate:

But, you ask, how did it taste?

Pretty good. A bit more lactic than I would have hoped, but some of the sharpness and nuttiness one would associate with a Romano/Parmesan. Half will go back into the fridge for another year!

Beetroot and Carrot Salad with a Cider Vinaigrette, Romano and Toasted Nori:

